Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ron Paul Wins Gaston County Straw Poll

Gastonia, NC — No, Gastonia is not a country in Eastern Europe. It’s actually a North Carolina town just west of Charlotte, and tonight they had a county GOP meeting that featured fantastic barbecue at Alfred & Charlie’s BBQ House as well as a presidential straw poll. These results are just in:
John McCain: 2.4%Rudy Guiliani: 4.9%Mitt Romney: 7.3%Newt Gingrich: 7.3%Mike Huckabee: 9.8%Fred Thompson: 31.7%Ron Paul: 36.6%
Given how much time and money the Ron Paul campaign has spent in North Carolina, I’m sure they’ll be pleased.
While the barbecue was excellent (and I’m not even a huge barbecue fan), the best part about the evening was the opportunity for numerous “meaningful conversations”, as referenced in my previous comments. The straw poll drew Ron Paul supporters from within and outside the county, and the articulate enthusiasm of the Ron Paul crowd seemed well received by the regular attendees. After the meeting adjourned, questions about Ron Paul and his candidacy from the “regulars” generated healthy discussion for the next hour. By the end of the evening, which lasted longer then many attendees planned, there were a lot more people prepared to answer the question, “Who is Ron Paul?”
The bottom line is if you’re a Ron Paul supporter, or just beginning to explore his candidacy from outside the Republican party, don’t be intimidated to show up at GOP functions and start talking to people. We’re all living in the same world and seeing the same problems — the easiest way to identify the need and light the path for a Constitutional federal government and individual liberty is a one-on-one conversation!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

CALL Texas!

"Ron Paul supporters,

Please email Chuck Young at with your 1) First and last name 2) City you live in 3) your email address.
Ron Paul could WIN the Texas Republican Straw Poll in Fort Worth. But first he needs a little bit of your HELP. The #1 thing you can do right now is to help us make 17,000 phone calls within one week to all the Texas Republican delegates whose phone number we have. It is critically important that we do voter identification with these delegates to find out 1) who supports Ron Paul and 2) who is undecided. We need to do this NOW in order to get these folks to Fort Worth, possibly on buses from around the state.
Please recruit yourself and friends to help us do this job! In order to make phone calls, please email your 1) First and last Name 2) City you are from and 3) Email address to Chuck Young at Chuck's is organizing our Ron Paul phone effort and Chuck's phone number is 512-448-7898. Also you can call Robert Morrow at 512-306-1510.
Only after you have sent Chuck your relevant info will he send you your username and password so that you can get started on the Advokit system to help us blast through these 17,000 phone numbers of Texas Republican delegates.
Here is the Advokit page: Here is the Help page for Advokit: It is critically important that if you actually talk to a delegate that you hit the "Add a Task" button to record a contact.
Secondly, we are sending an alert to Ron Paul nation that we will need their campaigning help at the Texas Straw Poll, which is in Fort Worth Friday, August 31st and Saturday, Sept. 1st. We hope to have a party for Ron Paul at 8:30 PM at the Renaissance Hotel (although this has not been confirmed yet!). We will need as many Ron Paul supporters as possible in Fort Worth to 1) put Ron Paul stickers on our delegates 2) pass out push cards 3) hold up Ron Paul signs 4) campaign with delegates and 5) have a great time.
Thanks for your help. The great thing about working with Ron Paul volunteers is how passionate and dedicated they are about Dr. Paul's message of liberty and the man himself. Now let's prove it again with a big push for Ron Paul in the Texas Straw Poll. And right now we need people to make PHONE CALLS to Republican delegates. Have a great day!

Robert Morrow 512-306-1510 Austin, TX"

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ron Paul on the Charlie Rose Show

No, not yet...but let's start an effort to get him on the NC natives show that is viewed all over the world! I sent this email this morning to

Dear Charlie Rose Show,

I would like to request that you have presidential candidate, Congressman Ron Paul on your show. He was very positively received on Candidates @Google , Bill Maher show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and the Colbert Report. Paul is a great thinker on economics, history and foreign policy, and will provide an interesting, substantive interview.

Ron Paul is incredibly popular on the Internet, especially with the younger audience that is growing hungry for more information about world issues. It would be a great way to introduce the Charlie Rose show to many more folks. I am quite certain that his presence would draw new viewers to your show--not to mention the fact that he is a great conversationalist with a great story and wealth of knowledge and life experience.



Last night, former UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke seemed to have been reading Ron Paul's notes as he discussed Iraq with Rose. It was spooky...and Rose sure didn't call Holbrooke a wacko!