Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Presidential debate!

Well, I am back from the trip to Columbia, SC. We had a great trip down to Columbia. We arrived Monday night before the debate. Jay Zietlow and I were able to go to the "Silver Elephant dinner" on Monday night. It was a super conservative meeting where they had guest speakers, like Sean Hannity, and others. Tuesday, we drove downtown and parked the War Wagon in front of the Columbia, SC capitol building and started passing out Ron Paul fliers and DVDs. We talked to a lot of people on the streets and had a great time! Tuesday afternoon, around 5:30, a group of five of us made a trip down in front of the Koger Center, where the debate was being held. The five of us, thanks to Jay and Bette, were able to get into the middle of a large group of Mitt Romney and John McCain supporters. After the debate Tuesday night, Dr. Paul actually came down and visited with us and thanked us for what we were doing. I'm going to be posting pictures and videos soon of the trip. If anybody has any questions, please email me at

Scott Mullins

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