Thursday, July 26, 2007

Paul Supporters Flocking To Georgetown

By - John Boyanoski
(July 26, 2007)
A straw poll in Georgetown Saturday likely won't be an accurate reflection of GOP voters in the Lowcountry county, but it means big bucks for the local Republican Party.
Supporters of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, purchased 300 tickets, and supporters of former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson have purchased 100 tickets, said Tom Swatzel, chairman of the Georgetown GOP. Tickets cost $10 each.
That likely will skew the voting, but Swatzel said the point of Saturday's event is to raise money for the local GOP while also showing the grassroots strengths of the presidential campaigns.
"This is about focusing attention on campaigns," he said.
There are no rules against ballot stuffing South Carolina straw polls. And while it is not an everyday occurrence, it is not uncommon, said Chip Felkel, a South Carolina-based political consultant.
The benefits for a campaign to send a lot of delegates is it allows them to win a straw poll and later use that as a campaign rallying point, Felkel said. Most people won't know or care months later if the votes were rigged or not.
"It's about perception," Felkel said.
Paul supporters are planning a car caravan from the Greenville-Spartanburg area and a campaign bus/RV that will arrive in Pawleys Island on Friday night before the event at Waccamaw High School, Swatzel said.
In addition, Paul supporters have been posting items on Web sites reminding people they have to be South Carolina residents in order to vote in the poll.
Paul's campaign has been lifting more and more in the last few weeks as ardent on-line supporters have started to translate into event attendees. Paul drew very large crowds in Greenville and Spartanburg last week.
Swatzel said he had invited the 11 Republican candidates recognized by the state GOP as well as Thompson, who has not officially announced.
"Coming right before the big Iowa straw poll, I think presidential candidates, particularly those not participating in Iowa, will be looking for a boost from a win or high placing in our poll," Swatzel said in a release.
This is the first time that Swatzel knows of that the Georgetown GOP has held a straw poll.
"We are very excited," Swatzel said. "There is a lot of energy."
So far, the campaigns for Thompson, Paul, U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas and U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California have said they are sending a representative to the event, Swatzel said.
Thompson is sending U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett of South Carolina and Hunter is sending Van Hipp, a former deputy assistant secretary of the Army, who is also a former chairman of the state GOP. The other two campaigns haven't announced their surrogate.

John Boyanoski can be reached at

Sunday, July 22, 2007

According to Anti-Paul Gossip Page, SC's new Hero Has Problems

By The Editor of the Palmetto Scoop July 18, 2007 - 5:12 pm -

Here are his comments...

After months of public denials, a quote in Wednesday’s Spartanburg Herald-Journal may be a solid indicator that acerbic New Jersey native and controversial Spartanburg GOP Chairman Rick Beltram has pledged his support to former-Gov. Mitt Romney in the presidential primary.
“Romney still needs to convince voters, before Fred Thompson gets into the race… that he is the conservative answer to the GOP nominating process,” Spartanburg County Republican Party Chairman Rick Beltram said. “I’m hoping that he’s starting to see, for his sake, more significant traction.” [JASON SPENCER - Spartanburg Herald-Journal]
Party chairs are often expected to remain neutral during primaries as they represent the GOP rather than any particular candidate. And with one of the largest conservative-voting bases in the state, Spartanburg is vital to winning South Carolina’s Republican presidential primary. By backing Romney, Beltram risks destroying the credibility his position brings.
Back in March, Beltram caught flak for his embarrassing mismanagement of the Spartanburg Straw Poll - which appeared to many campaigns to be rigged for Romney. He announced the wrong results live on FoxNews, only to sheepishly admit the next day he had “found” ballots at his home. The real winner - Sen. John McCain - was announced long after the national media had left Spartanburg.
Beltram appears to be fashioning himself as the heir apparent to current state GOP chairman Katon Dawson. Days before this year’s State Republican Convention, it was rumored that Beltram was speaking with Romney’s S.C. campaign manager about challenging Dawson’s re-election bid. The plan never reached fruition, by shed light on his personal ambition.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Paul faithful flock to Spartanburg appearance
Jul 21, 2007


A little-known Texas congressman seeking the Republican nomination for president visited Spartanburg on Saturday and seemed to arrive with all the makings of rock-star candidate for his party — despite polling low, little name recognition and a relatively small campaign staff.
Supporters call it the “Ron Paul Revolution.” You might’ve seen it on signs or T-shirts. Or MySpace.Paul received no less than 16 standing ovations during his hour-plus speech and question-and-answer session at the Summit Pointe Event Center — first, when he entered the room, a second one when a re-entered after doing a quick television interview and a third when he was formally introduced.Thunderous applause also followed when he decried the Patriot Act (ovation No. 4), when he said America should never go to war without a declaration from Congress or because of a United Nations resolution (ovation Nos. 8 and 9), and when he attacked President Bush’s foreign policy and handling of the war in Iraq (ovation Nos. 11, 12 and 13).“No nation building. No policing of the world. Peace is popular,” Paul said. “The sooner we get out of Iraq, the fewer Americans will die. And I say, it’s time to come home.”About 400 people — half from out of state — were shoehorned into Summit Pointe for a barbecue luncheon that doubled as a fundraiser for the Spartanburg County Republican Party. The local GOP, after expenses, made an estimated $5,000 on the event.Paul was invited to speak to the local party faithful (they numbered about 80 in the crowd) after county chairman Rick Beltram took offense at Paul’s explanation of the 9/11 attacks as “blowback” from America’s past intervention in the affairs of other countries during a GOP debate. That led to a widely distributed online tit-for-tat between Beltram and Paul supporters, and Beltram eventually invited Paul here to explain himself.Blowback, in and of itself, was not mentioned Saturday, though Paul often alluded to it, going as far back as World War I, “which (President) Woodrow Wilson got us into unnecessarily, and drew the lines in the Middle East that we’re suffering for today.”Beltram said he agreed with Paul on most issues except foreign policy, and that he believes the Texan converted some Upstaters to his revolution with Saturday’s speech.“I left feeling like a hero,” Beltram said. “I got more positive comments after that event than all the other presidential events combined.”Read more about Paul’s visit in the Herald-Journal on Sunday.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ron Paul in South Carolina!

Presidential candidate and Congressman Ron Paul will be in South Carolina on Saturday, July 21st. He will be appearing at two events for his supporters and members of the South Carolina Republican Party. This will be a great opportunity for every Ron Paul supporter in the area to come see the congressman, and share his message of freedom, peace, and prosperity.

Ron Paul Lunch Program with Spartanburg Republican Party

Come see Congressman Ron Paul in Spartanburg, South Carolina! The congressman will be appearing at a lunch function sponsored by the Spartanburg Republican Party.

After the lunch function, the congressman will speak to the assembly, who will then submit questions they would like to ask the congressman. Ron Paul will then spend 30 minutes answering the questions selected. This will be a great opportunity for Ron Paul supporters in the Spartanburg-Greenville area to come see the candidate and show your support.

The lunch program is being held at the Summit Pointe Meetings & Events Center, 805 Spartan Blvd, Spartanburg, SC 29301. The Summit Pointe Center is located off of exit 21 of Interstate 26.

Tickets for the lunch and following program will cost $25, with the proceeds going to the Spartanburg GOP.

Ron Paul Rally in Greenville

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul will be celebrating life and liberty at a rally with supporters from around the region. Dr. Paul will speak. This is your chance to see the congressman up close and personal. We're expecting Ron Paul supporters to come all the way from Florida, Virginia and Alabama!

The rally will be held at the Carolina First Center (formerly the Palmetto Expo Center), located at One Exposition Avenue, Greenville SC, 29607.

Please RSVP for the rally here

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ron Paul before the SF Chronicle's Editorial Board.

"Forget the "Straight Talk Express." Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, a Texas congressman, is the real deal..."

To read the article AND LISTEN to his interview with the Chronicle's editorial board visit, .

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Don't Delay: US Out of Iraq Now

July 14, 2007
Don't Delay: US Out of Iraq Now
by Rep. Ron Paul

I rise in opposition to HR 2956 which, while a well-intended attempt to reduce our nation's seemingly unlimited military commitment in Iraq, is in so many respects deeply flawed. I have been one of the strongest opponents of military action against Iraq. I voted against the initial authorization in 2002 and I have voted against every supplemental appropriations bill to fund the war. I even voted against the initial "Iraq regime change" legislation back in 1998.
I believe our troops should be brought back to the United States without delay. Unfortunately, one of the reasons I oppose this legislation is that it masquerades as a troop withdrawal measure but in reality may well end up increasing US commitments in the Middle East.
This is precisely the debate we should have had four years ago, before Congress voted to abrogate its Constitutional obligation to declare war and transfer that authority to the president. Some in this body were rather glib in declaring the constitution antiquated while voting to cede the ability to initiate hostilities to the president. Now we see the result of ignoring the Constitution, and we are bringing even more mayhem to the process with this legislation.
To those who believe this act would some how end the war, I simply point to the title for Section 3 of the bill, which states, "REQUIREMENT TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF ARMED FORCES IN IRAQ AND TRANSITION TO A LIMITED PRESENCE OF THE ARMED FORCES IN IRAQ." However the number of troops are limited, this legislation nevertheless will permit an ongoing American military presence in Iraq with our soldiers continuing to be engaged in hostilities.
I also wish to draw attention to Section 4(b)(1), which mandates the president to submit a "Strategy for Iraq" by the beginning of next year. This "strategy" is to include:
"A discussion of United States national security interests in Iraq and the broader Middle East region and the diplomatic, political, economic, and military components of a comprehensive strategy to maintain and advance such interests as the Armed Forces are redeployed from Iraq pursuant to section 3 of this Act."
In other words, far from extricating ourselves from the debacle in Iraq, this bill would set in motion a policy that could lead to a wider regional commitment, both financially and militarily. Such a policy would be disastrous for both our overextended national security forces and beleaguered taxpayers. This could, in fact, amount to an authorization for a region-wide "surge."
Congress' job is to change the policy on Iraq, not to tell the military leaders how many troops they should have. I have attempted to do this with HR 2605, a bill to sunset after a six month period the authorization for military activity in Iraq. During this period a new plan for Iraq could be discussed and agreed. Plan first, authorization next, execution afterward. That is what we should be doing in Iraq. In summary, this legislation brings us no closer to ending the war in Iraq. It brings us no closer to bringing our troops home.

It says nothing about withdrawal, only about redeployment. It says nothing about reducing US presence in the Middle East, and may actually lead to an expanded US presence in the region.

We have no guarantee the new strategy demanded by this legislation would not actually expand our military activities to Iran and Syria and beyond. I urge my colleagues to reject this legislation and put forth an effective strategy to end the war in Iraq and to bring our troops home.

Find this article at:

Ron Paul Goes 20/20

GOP presidential candidate's eCampaign reaches unparalleled levels of success

July 12, 2007

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – The Ron Paul presidential campaign has reached two important benchmarks of success: 20,000 YouTube subscribers and 20,000 Meetup group members.

As of today, the Paul Campaign's YouTube channel has 20,302 subscribers, giving the organization a powerful platform for their popular videos. The GOP candidate with the second most subscribers is Mitt Romney with 2,416. Barack Obama has 8,807.

Dr. Paul also has 20,677 individuals in 428 cities across America signed up though to participate in grassroots activities. Meetup members have thus far held 1,127 events for Dr. Paul: walking neighborhoods, making signs and handing out literature. Barack Obama has 5,327 Meetup group members, while Mitt Romney has 29.

"Our campaign is growing by the day," said campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "Dr. Paul's message of freedom, peace and prosperity is spreading across the country like wild fire. It is exciting to see online attention translate to action on the ground."

If you haven't joined a Ron Paul Meetup group yet, make sure to visit and find the groups in your area and join one! Also, join Dr. Paul's YouTube group if you haven' the videos and email them to your friends and family!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Paul rises from GOP unknown to 'sleeper'

The Washington Times, 07/11/07

Aides helping Rep. Ron Paul of Texas with his long-shot run for the Republican presidential nomination never thought they would need more than the corner of a one-bedroom apartment.

They were wrong. The campaign has outgrown its second headquarters, a 348-square-foot office.

Mr. Paul has more campaign cash available than former Republican front-runner Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Federal Election Commission records show, and the antiwar conservative has become an Internet sensation.

Though political pros say Mr. Paul's chances of moving into the White House are between slim and none, some expect him to have an effect on the Republican race.

"I watched the Republican presidential debates with neighbors, and two of the five people in the room said, 'Who is that guy? I really like him,' " said Republican media consultant Tom Edmonds. "My gut tells me he's a sleeper and will indeed have an impact on the Republican race."

The Texas obstetrician — whose habit of opposing measures he deems unconstitutional won him the sobriquet "Dr. No" — is admired as a man of principle by many conservative leaders and has won attention from voters across the land, including Democrats.

Iowan Alex Gabis attended an event for Sen. Barack Obama, Illinois Democrat, in the Fairfield town square last week, but another presidential candidate was on his mind.

"There is a Republican I like — he's from Texas," Mr. Gabis volunteered. "I don't look at the label. I listen to what he says. I think his name is Ron Paul. I like him. I'd vote for him."

Mr. Paul, who raised most of his campaign dollars in the past quarter on the Internet and has $2.4 million cash on hand, wowed young voters across the country last month when he appeared on Comedy Central's "Colbert Report."

When host Stephen Colbert introduced Mr. Paul as having voted against the USA Patriot Act and the Iraq war, the liberal audience went wild with cheers. Mr. Colbert asked, "Are you a Republican or are you not a Republican?" Mr. Paul responded: "You're confused because I'm a constitutionalist. ... It's not that unusual to put those together if you believe in the rule of law, and you believe in the American tradition, and believe in limited government and you believe in liberty."

Mr. Paul was one of six House Republicans to vote against the Iraq war in 2002.

Commentator Pat Buchanan says Mr. Paul's effect on the race will depend on the size of the vote he attracts.

"If he starts running up 15 percent or 20 percent of the vote in Republican primaries, it says: The GOP is headed in the wrong direction, secure the border, get out of Iraq, come home, America," Mr. Buchanan told The Washington Times.

Influencing the Republican stance on major issues is the most likely outcome of the Paul candidacy.

"While I am very skeptical that he will win the nomination, historically challengers' biggest impact has been in shaping the debate — forcing the more popular candidates to address issues they might like to gloss over," said Merrill Matthews, resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas. "I suspect Paul's principled opposition to massive government spending and the war could reach out to two different GOP groups — one large, one not so large — with the message: 'You are not alone.' "

Mr. Matthews sees a twofold effect for Mr. Paul: "His libertarian bent makes him the most principled of the Republican candidates. The large segment of the conservative base shares his rebellion against the GOP's willingness to become part of Washington's big-spending establishment. And as the only antiwar Republican candidate, he may provide a safe harbor to conservatives who are increasingly growing dissatisfied with the war."

Still, even some admirers are skeptics.

"Certainly there is a case to be made for a GOP protest vote in favor of Ron Paul," said Jameson Campaigne Jr., an Illinois-based director of the American Conservative Union. "But I don't think small-'c' conservative voters dare waste a vote on such a thing — unless the three front-runners in January are all discredited — Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson."

Mr. Buchanan thinks the Texan is in it for the duration.

"If he stays in the race, he will have a solid, hard-core but small following the whole way through the nomination contest," the former Nixon and Reagan White House aide said. "He has the money to go the distance because he harbors his resources."

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Press Release: Ron Paul Wins Big

Ron Paul Wins Big in First New Hampshire Straw Poll

July 7, 2007

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Presidential candidate Ron Paul today won the Coalition for New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT) straw poll at their annual picnic in Hopkinton, New Hampshire. Dr. Paul received 182 of 294 votes cast, or 65 percent. In second place was Rudy Giuliani with 24 votes, or 8 percent.

"Today's strong victory is further proof that Dr. Paul's message is resonating throughout New Hampshire," said campaign manager Lew Moore. "Dr. Paul is the only candidate in this race truly dedicated to smaller government and lower taxes for all Americans."

CNHT is a statewide, grassroots organization dedicated to reducing the size of government at all levels, stopping judicial activism, providing students and parents with a choice of educational opportunities, expanding job markets, and protecting property rights.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Ron Paul Tops McCain in Cash on Hand!!

Ron Paul Tops McCain in Cash on Hand

July 06, 2007 1:14 PM

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos Reports: Though often regarded as a longshot candidate for president, Republican Ron Paul tells ABC News that he has an impressive $2.4 million in cash on hand after raising an equal amount during the second quarter, putting him ahead of one-time Republican frontrunner John McCain, who reported this week he has only $2 million in the bank.

In an exclusive interview taped Friday and airing Sunday on "This Week," Paul said his campaign is on a better trajectory than McCain's.

"I think some of the candidates are on the down-slope, and we're on the up-slope," said Paul.

Paul's cash on hand puts him in third place in the Republican field in that important metric, although he is well behind leader Rudy Giuliani, who has $18 million in the bank, and Mitt Romney, with $12 million.

Paul, who polls show with support in the low single digits, said his surprisingly strong fundraising is the best measure of his support.

"I think people have underestimated the number of people in this country who are interested in a freedom message," says the Republican congressman from Texas, who has strong libertarian leanings.

To watch Paul's full interview, tune in to "This Week" on Sunday (check local listings).

The direct link to the article is,,
you can leave comments after the article.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ron Paul on ABC News(the OLD news) this Sunday

Presidential candidate Ron Paul will be interviewed for 15 minutes by ABC News' chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos this Sunday, July 8, on the program "This Week."

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Ron Paul and the iPhone!

Press Release

Ron Paul Campaign First to Provide iPhone Platform


ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign today became the first campaign to launch an iPhone platform. This new platform will allow iPhone users to access the campaign’s Web 2.0 applications, such as social networking tools and online videos, directly from their iPhones.

“The iPhone is an exciting technology that will help us reach potential voters across the country,” states eCampaign director Justine Lam. “The Ron Paul campaign continues to utilize new technologies to spread Dr. Paul’s message of freedom, peace and prosperity.”

Terra Eclipse of Santa Cruz, California designed this special platform for the Ron Paul campaign. “Our web development team has built a robust tool that will allow iPhone-equipped volunteers to bring Ron Paul’s online popularity into offline households in key early primary states,” says Wyatt Hull, creative director of Terra Eclipse.

The Ron Paul 2008 iPhone platform is available at .

Ron Paul in 1988!